Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Who is Lersi?
The*Lersi*hermit tradition goes back to before the birth of the historical Buddha, whose parents received a visit from one of these holy men when the Buddha was only a baby! The*Lersi*are traditionally represented as men of advanced age, long hair, bearded and wearing atiger skin. One often sees them depicted with walking sticks embellished with fantastic animals and carrying malas made of huge beads. Sometimes one encounters statues and amulets of animal faced*Lersi*(tiger, lion, monkey but also cow and even*Nâga!)
Even the lord buddha received teaching from lersi and was taught how to meditate.Sidhatta only left the schooling philosophy of the Ruesi, because it wasn’t going to lead him to Enlightenment,rather only to a higher level of the heavenly realms, a favorable rebirth that leaves one reborn as an Angel or an Archangel Buchiwagoemarapat was the healing Master Ruesi who served as doctor to the Buddha Sakyamuni.The Ruesi are known to have attained various supernatural mind powers, such as;The Ability to Float and See the Future, Heal with Forest Herbs, Voice Powers (Incantation and*Prana), talk with animals, read minds, and even Teleportation, Manipulation of the Elements, Alchemy and other Miraculous forms of Mastery of the Environment.Another translation for the word Ruesi, would be “Seer” -the author suggests also the word Wizard, as the Ruesi also made use of Magic Spells using a stick to cast with,just as does the Wizard who is to be found in Western Mythologies.The word Ruesi is associated with the thought of a secretive, mysterious hermit-like person who lives a solitary existence and dwells in a cave, the forest or in the mountains.
The real meaning of the word Ruesi, is “Seer”, meaning one with special abilities to see things that normal humans cannot perceive, such as vision of the three times (Past, Present & Future events).Such an ability is called Trigalachan, meaning “he who knows the three time spheres. the oldest Sanskrit Myths and texts do not record how far back the existence of the Ruesi goes, but the Buddhist texts have a record known referring to the Buppaeniwaasaanusathiyan – of the Ruesi and that of the Buddha, and how they differ (Buppaeniwaasaanusathiyan means the ability to remember previous incarnations).Ruesi can allegedly only remember up to a limit of eighty past lives, whereas the Buddha could remember as far back as it is possible to imagine, an endless number of lives that cannot be counted.This text also heralds the Buddha as being the superior Being and much higher than any Ruesi. There is a comment in the Thaera Kata of the Khuttaga Nigay saying “The Great Lord Buddha is the Ruesi who is most perfect and attained of all the Ruesi”. Therefore suggesting that the Buddha was also a Ruesi, albeit the most highest of all. The creation of the great “Ruekawaes” (Rigveda) 500 years ago, was accredited to the Ruesi.
posted by: House Of Barang @ 09:40
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